For whom?

Private Care makes it possible for anyone in need of care to stay living at home without worry:

Live-in care for elderly people

You don’t want to go into a residential care home, and would very much prefer to live out your old age in the comfort and peace of your own home, surrounded by family and friends. This is possible, with the help of a live-in care assistant who, in addition to performing domestic tasks, also attends to your everyday healthcare needs.

Most often, it is children who arrange this kind of care for their parents in need of care. Their primary motivation is to avoid their parent being forced to move into a residential care home. And if both parents are still living, this form of care also avoids them being separated from one another.

Live-in care for people with dementia

‘Leaving an elderly person to sit alone for whole days is actually the worst thing you can do.’ Nevertheless, that is the reality for many elderly people. Surely that must be risky? Rademakers explains: ‘It is hard to say whether it poses a serious risk to health at that moment in the context of dementia. But there is no doubt that having sufficient social interaction makes a huge difference to their quality of life.’ Source: ‘I don’t think we will ever cure dementia, but slow it down, yes.’ De Tijd

Live-in care for people with Multiple Sclerosis

People with MS are advised to stick to a range of ground rules in order to keep their symptoms under control as much as possible. Our care assistants can provide you with guidance on this and keep up with the latest developments. For instance, it is vital to maintain an adequate balance between rest and activity. Keeping moving is essential and our care assistants can be the motivator to remain active.

Live-in care for people needing palliative care

Many people would prefer to be nursed and die at home. Everyone has different needs, but the essence is to make those final days or weeks as serene, pain-free and comfortable as possible.

Live-in care for people with Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s disease, or Parkinsonism, has a drastic impact on your life and the lives of those close to you. Parkinson’s often starts with changes in the way somebody moves, such as shaking of their hands. The disease becomes progressively worse over the years, when other symptoms can appear, such as forgetfulness or mood changes. Our care assistant can support you at home. In the later stages of the disease, caring for a parent or partner can take a lot of energy out of you. Not just physically, but it can be a significant mental strain, too. A live-in care assistant can take on some of this care, taking some of the strain off an informal carer.

Live-in care for people receiving PAB/PVB budget

The services we provide, and the costs of a personal assistant, may be fully covered by your Personal Budget (PVB) or your Personal Assistance Budget (PAB) from the VAPH (Vlaams agentschap voor personen met een handicap – the Flemish agency for people with a handicap).

Live-in care related to loneliness

Herman Horyon was plastered all over the media in Flanders back in April 2019 for putting up a sign in his garden saying: ‘LIVE IN FOR FREE. ONLY FOR WOMEN. WITHOUT CHILDREN.’ So many people were struck by that sign that he soon had newspapers and Limburg TV stations on his doorstep. And before long people all over the region were having a good laugh about Herman and his sign.

Of course, there’s no denying the funny side of it, but that really isn’t the most important thing that Herman tells us. Herman’s story is just one of so many other senior citizens in this country. Someone who has been left behind alone, after the death of his wife and his daughter.

In this case, our care assistant isn’t there to provide healthcare, which isn’t needed at this stage although maybe in the future, but for social activities. To have some coffee, watch some TV together, go to the supermarket, go for dinner, arrange some flowers together, crochet, painting, etc…

The above list of suggestions is far from exhaustive. Private Care is possible for all kinds of care needs. 

Please contact us for an obligation-free consultation.

Webinar Private Care
23 Mei 2022

Webinar Private Care
25 April 2022

Webinar Private Care
28 Maart 2022